The Crying Ogre

The Crying Ogre

Only in the deep blue lake
will you find the seven colored fish
that will feed the hungry
ogre that is starving
for just one ounce
of meat.

Yes, ogres have feelings, too.
Its rotted heart cries out
for deliverence.
But it can't cry out
to the stars, or
the moon, or the sun,
or the clouds in the sky.

The same way you learned
to despise the ogre
for it's strange appearance
and cannibalistic ways
is the same way the ogre curses
every thing you believe to be beautiful.
So, it cries out to every terrible omen;
to the eclipse,
to the will-o-the-wisp,
to the serpent of Eden,
and to the volcanic eruptions
that spew lava onto the Earth
and into the sky.

Sulfuric black clouds cover the sky
and the ogre is pleased.
Molten rock covers the ground
and heats up the water.
The seven colored fish
gets cooked alive.
So the ogre sits down
for a delicious meal
of boiled fish.


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