Carpenter Brut - Leather Terror

Carpenter Brut - Leather Terror

Count me as one of those that didn't fully enjoy Blood Machines. I say that for both the soundtrack and the movie. There was a lot of potential there. I don't think it was fully realized. So, I was doubly dissapointed. It hurts to say that, but I was. You can see that a lot of effort and care went into making the movie. Because of its short running time, there wasn't enough time to explore the world, the characters, and the story more. The soundtrack contained two awesome synthwave tracks in the familiar style of Carpenter Brut. The rest was just boring soundscapes that seem typical of soundtracks. There I said it.

This here Leather Terror is the right way to go. There's no preoccupation with fitting the right sonic atmosphere to the correct visuals. Just good old synthwave the way Carpenter Brut does best. Save for a few tracks, there's no radical departure from his usual sound. In fact, many of these tracks wouldn't be out of place in his Trilogy compilation. Some might criticize our darksynth pioneer of not exploring anything new and merely treading on familiar paths. I say it's an indicator as to how timeless his music is. Besides, I don't believe it's quite true that he's just treading familiar paths. There's a good degree of experimentation in a couple of tracks. There's flirtations with pure synthmetal in Straight Outta Hell , with synth-pop in Lipstick Masquerade, and with dark, heavy synth pop in Imaginary Fire. Naturally, there are plenty of tracks such as Night Prowler that are true Carpenter Brut tunes and cannot be mistaking for anyone else. Again, not a radical departure from his usual sound, but he provides great deal of variety and quality on each track that make this record utmost enjoyable.

The observation that many of these tracks would fit right in with older releases is a testament to how good and timeless Carpenter Brut's music is. It sounded great in the 2010's, it sounds good today, and it will continue to sound awesome for decades to come. Furthermore, the variety present throughout the album and on each track prevent this from ever getting tired and boring. Something different is tried throughout and it is alwasy a resounding success. Fans of the style and Carpenter Brut will be pleased.


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