
Showing posts from June, 2022

Tears of the Stars

Tears of the Stars A crying star that's not ready to fall. The light is dim, but refuses to fade away. So it will continue weeping. Its tears flowing way down to the ocean. But the ocean is just a mirror; A reflection of all the stars glittering in the dark. All these stars have dreamed a thousand dreams. And just like the stars themselves, some dreams have had their lights dimmed and fade away into darkness. Others remain weeping. Is there no respite; no quenching of their immortal desire? But still others continue to shine brightly. The light of a thousand suns to warm all the hearts of innumerable planets beyond. Brighter still are the drops that crash into the ocean generateripples transform into waves that depart from the ocean surface to form new stars that shine the brightest.

Alex & Tokyo Rose - Akuma III

Alex & Tokyo Rose - Akuma III I'm genuinely excited for this. I think I still like the first Akuma the best. All three Akuma albums are excellent and offer a variety of amazing sounds. All three pushed the creative limits of their creators as well as what's possible in the synthwave genre. Maybe after a few more listens this will be my favorite. All semblance of traditional synthwave as we have understood it in the early 10's is pretty much gone. There's very little traces of 80's feel left. This sounds a lot more like 90's or 21st century or something. Maybe I'm not the best judge in determining that, but this is definitely a far cry from Perturbator's I Am the Night or Wolf and Raven's Renegades . Hell, it's quite a different beast than the very first Akuma . Even on Akuma II there was still strong melodies that signalled to the listener that t...